پنل کاربری");}).fail(function(_xhr,_status,_error){artemisweb.errorNotify(_xhr.responseText);form.reset();form.querySelector("#dntCaptchaRefreshButton").click();}).always(function(){artemisweb.hideProgress(form);});});document.getElementById("registerForm").addEventListener("submit",function(e){e.preventDefault();const form=this;artemisweb.showProgress(form);$.post(form.action,$(form).serialize()).done(function(data){artemisweb.doneNotify("برای تایید ثبت نام لطفا کد پیامک شده را وارد کنید.");window.location.assign(langId+"/account/Confirm?userTempId="+data.userTempId+"&mobileNumber="+data.mobileNumber);}).fail(function(_xhr,_status,_error){artemisweb.errorNotify(_xhr.responseText);form.reset();form.querySelector("#dntCaptchaRefreshButton").click();}).always(function(){artemisweb.hideProgress(form);});});}); RHINOPLASTY mastopexy Lipomatic Mammoplasty Blepharoplasty Brow Lift At Maya Beauty International Clinic, we can rely on more than a decade of experience, in line with the latest technology in the world, along with an experienced team of the best beauty doctors in the country, to provide the best and most economical services in a calm and pleasant environment. Let's provide dear ones. Our Services
Brow Lift
Maya Beauty International Clinic
Maya Beauty Beauty Clinics, as a leader in providing better and faster services to its customers, has launched the first online clinic in the world, relying on the knowledge of its digital technology partners.
You can perform all the steps from consultation to payment and scheduling surgery at home, and only on the day of your operation by attending one of our centers to perform cosmetic surgery.
We hope that the combination of world-class technology with the art of our surgeons will bring an attractive and worry-free experience for dear beauticians.